My sanity is gone but my kids are smart!

Homeschooling is a hot topic. Literally every group on social media is just exploding with worried parents inquiring about how to homeschool their children. I am going to be honest and say that I have never really given any thought to homeschooling my children. It is the cultural norm to just enroll your child inContinue reading “My sanity is gone but my kids are smart!”

Holding the door open causes a hustle!

Have you ever been out in a public setting and a stranger ahead of you noticed you are going towards a door. They reach the door first, and then proceed to hold it open for you. This small act of kindness elicits a fantastically funny dilemma. Your need to be polite and not delay theContinue reading “Holding the door open causes a hustle!”

Stick that grade where the sun don’t shine!

When I was in nursing school, I had to do a rotation on the medical/surgical floor. I had a nurse preceptor who gave no instructions to me. Basically go get report on your patients and away you go. During this time, I was 18. I was definitely needing some guidance. This mentor denied me opportunitiesContinue reading “Stick that grade where the sun don’t shine!”

Strong women are not to be feared.

When I first began nursing, I was in an overcrowded, outdated building. There were over 40 patients to one nurse. It is definitely the hardest nursing job I have ever had. Handling the unit was enough to give anyone premature grey hairs. Enter nurse Jeanette. She was feared by staff. She always had a sarcasticContinue reading “Strong women are not to be feared.”