My sanity is gone but my kids are smart!

Homeschooling is a hot topic. Literally every group on social media is just exploding with worried parents inquiring about how to homeschool their children. I am going to be honest and say that I have never really given any thought to homeschooling my children. It is the cultural norm to just enroll your child in kindergarten at the proper school for your district. Some parents do their research on schools and drive their children to a better school district but that is the extent of diversity with schooling that I have seen.
With the threat of the viral pandemic, most parents have had to sit down and really give some thought to their child returning to school. Parents have also had to deal with closed daycares and limited child care options. I read an article stating that women were hit the hardest financially during the pandemic because in alot of cases, they had no choice but to quit their jobs to watch their children.
At first, I was scared. I was scared for the moms losing their jobs. I was scared for the children losing their social interactions. I was scared for the frontline workers. I still continue to worry about each of these things and I also worry about what life will look like if a second wave hits.
However, despite all the worry I feel, I am coming to realize just how blessed we are. I have enjoyed almost 5 months off with my girls. No school to hustle them too. No work to stress me out and no social engagements to attend. My mom and I have been consistently working to teach the skills that we can to my girls. This is what I’ve learned: my oldest has a strong desire to work with animals. She learns by repetition only and has an excellent memory to recall facts. She also struggles with english but excels with patterns. My youngest has an ego that can’t be tamed. She thinks of herself as a beautiful model, a talented artist and a singer. She is extremely bright but absolutely hates book work. Stubborn and rebellious (no idea who she gets that from!).
The school system does the best it can with the resources it has. It caters to large classes and teaches everyone in the class in the same way. This system might work for the majority of students but with my brief description of my girls, you can see where they are both going to struggle. Having them home has allowed me the time and opportunity to buy school workbooks and see where their strengths truly lie. Where their weaknesses are and how I can best cater to their specific learning needs. My mom and I have been cheerleading. Encouraging and explaining why a good foundation in education is an important tool that will help them live their best lives.
So if you’re a parent and you’re worried about homeschooling your child, please know that this just might be the best path for your child. That although you may not be a teacher, you are your child’s best advocate and that is enough.

Published by Tara Long

Hello Readers in blogland! My name is Tara and I am a life coach in training. Follow me on my adventure from the ordinary life to the path less traveled! Feel free to comment and ask any questions!

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