
The world is full of uncertainty right now. Fear is running rampant. I’m worried for my family. I’m worried for all the loved ones and friends in my life. It seems life was just turned upside down. Amongst all this turmoil… I cannot forget to pause. To stop reacting and start looking at the current situation as is. Right now there are happy dogs at my feet. My girls are happily playing a game together. My cat is snuggled up to them. The sun is shining. My cupboards are full of groceries. My coffee pot is wonderfully warm with its precious liquid. A week from now, things might be different. But if I pause in the here and now… everything is fine. Everyone is happy. And if I give myself a second to breathe…. I am calm. This too shall pass and life will resume its chaotic pace. For now. We rest. We play. And we wait out this storm.

Published by Tara Long

Hello Readers in blogland! My name is Tara and I am a life coach in training. Follow me on my adventure from the ordinary life to the path less traveled! Feel free to comment and ask any questions!

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