Super Heroes to the rescue!

My girls have a large collection of VHS tapes given to us by their Grandma. There are alot of old classics. This morning, they are watching the original teenage mutant ninja turtle movie. When they chose this… I was thinking they might not be ready for it. It is a more adult movie than the cartoons they are used to enjoying.
So flash forward to the end of the movie. Splinter is tied up and these loyal turtles are going to fight a whole army of ninjas to get him back. They fight their way to the inner circle where splinter is. Cue shredder. A terrifyingly large man with an affinity for metal gear. Raphael steps forward. “I got this!” He says! My girls reaction ” You’re going to kick his butt!!!”.
What a wonderful moment for the kids. I never really thought about the ninja turtles being good role models, but they are! They practice meditation and self awareness. Discipline and inner strength. Above all else, they are loyal!
Everyone thinks that super heroes have to have super strength or super powers. The reality is, choosing to be the best you, is the super hero way! So go about your business today, strut your invincible Cape and inspire others to do the same! 💕

Published by Tara Long

Hello Readers in blogland! My name is Tara and I am a life coach in training. Follow me on my adventure from the ordinary life to the path less traveled! Feel free to comment and ask any questions!

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