We are too busy for Fulfillment

Each morning I get up, get the kids off to school and then I sit quietly with my cup of coffee and I decided what I am going to do with my day.
Every morning I have my common elements, I do the dishes and put away atleast one load of laundry. The rest of my day is up to me.
I give alot of thought to the week and what things must be prioritized into today. I set my small goals and move on with my day.
This morning I looked ahead at the weather in the next 24 hours and realized that cold fall chill is arriving. We live in a rural house and our only source of heat is wood and space heaters. Starting a fire in our woodstove just went to the top of my list.
This got me thinking of how much fulfillment I feel with just this one small task. In my last house, I would have relied solely on my gas furnace and I would not have thought about how much I appreciate a warm house. After building and nurturing the fire in the woodstove, the heat is now radiating throughout the room.
When you have to work or create in your life, the impact on your fulfillment is extraordinary. I built this fire. My children are going to come home to a warm house because I took the time to start a fire hours before they arrive.
When I do the dishes and the laundry, this also adds to my fulfillment. They will have clean clothes. They will have their favourite bowl clean for tomorrow’s cereal. All these little tiny things really do amount to a very large impact over time.
So today, take pride in the little tasks you do that contribute to a full life. Whether that be feeding a cat, taking your dog for a walk, prepping clothes for tomorrow’s spirit day at school or just taking really good care of yourself.

Published by Tara Long

Hello Readers in blogland! My name is Tara and I am a life coach in training. Follow me on my adventure from the ordinary life to the path less traveled! Feel free to comment and ask any questions!

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