Thank you!

Monday through Friday, my girls attend public school. The bus comes at exactly the same time every morning.
This morning my youngest was running about roaring like a monster when the bus pulled up. I had to convince her to get on the bus. Patiently the bus driver waited as my five year old slow walked to the bus. I could see the bus driver was amused at my childs behavior. Once my little one had scaled the stairs, the bus driver looked into her rear view mirror to ensure the kids were seated before she continued her route. I feel such love and appreciation for this woman. I am so thankful that my girls are in such good hands.
Last year when I had mentioned the bus drivers name to a friend, she had went on a monologue about how mean this woman was. She had asked me if I had ever seen the woman discipline my girls. Indeed, I had. One afternoon while the bus was pulling up to my driveway, it was clear that my girls had attempted to move to the front of the bus before it came to the stop. The bus driver sternly scolded my girls. At this point in the conversation, my friend looked concerned and she asked “what did you do?”. My response “I continued to scold them and reinforced how dangerous what they did was!”.
[ ] This was the only time the bus driver had to speak to my girls and I am so thankful she did. It takes a village to raise a child, and she is sure doing her job! The scolding did not phase my girls and everyday they get on the bus and greet the bus driver by name. We also give her a gift at Christmas time and the girls fight over who gets to give it to her (maybe this year we will give two small gifts).
[ ] Take a moment to think about the strong guides in your life. The people who have your best interests at heart, even though sometimes they come across as overly strict. Show them some gratitude today!

Published by Tara Long

Hello Readers in blogland! My name is Tara and I am a life coach in training. Follow me on my adventure from the ordinary life to the path less traveled! Feel free to comment and ask any questions!

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