You’re a what?

I have been very open and honest about leaving a “good” government nursing job to chase my dream of becoming a life coach.
Recently, a relative asked me what exactly was going on. I explained that I quit my job and would be attending a life coach certification course. My relative actually recoiled. It was as if they were a cat and I had just spritz their face with a water bottle. The idea of giving up my secure job in Hopes of chasing my “foolish” or “immature” dream was so foreign to them. To be honest, I was totally shocked by their response. I didn’t elaborate or try to win them over to my side. I let them do the talking. While they were telling me about their stressful job, it suddenly clued in to me that this was a societal norm. Going to work 40hrs+ a week to a job that affords all the necessities and some luxuries is considered the norm. Hating that job? Being stressed out? Bottling all your feelings towards it and letting it eat you alive? Yep. All normal things. Dancing in a field of creativity where you are an entrepreneur? Being happy and your authentic self in your work ? Totally unheard of. When you are attempting a goal outside of the norm, guess what? People will get uncomfortable for you. People will highlight the “what-ifs”, people will point you to the path back to security, people will try to shrink your ideas small enough to fit snugly into their comfort box. Their safety blanket of acceptable, average, boring things.
Once you start to make people cringe with fear of how bold your move is, that is exactly when you need to hold tight! YOU ARE BEING UNIQUE! YOU ARE MAKING A NEW PATH! AND THE WORLD NEEDS YOU TO DO WHATEVER IT IS THAT SETS YOU APART. SO LET YOUR WEIRD SELF OUT OF THE DAMN BOX!

Published by Tara Long

Hello Readers in blogland! My name is Tara and I am a life coach in training. Follow me on my adventure from the ordinary life to the path less traveled! Feel free to comment and ask any questions!

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