Speak your truth, Be who You are

I find it interesting that you can know an acquaintance or friend for quite some time without knowing what is truly important to them. We are raised in a culture where everyone is offended about people’s personal beliefs and opinions. We keep quiet about what is really going on in our hearts and our minds out of fear of being reprimanded, hurting others or offending them. Fortunately for me, I lack brain to mouth filter within minutes of meeting me, I will tell you whatever you want to know about my life, my thoughts, my beliefs. I am an open book. Now sometimes, my lack of filter does exactly what people fear above. Sometimes, I unintentionally offend people. Sometimes, people hear my truth and walk away because it does not resonate with them. I have come to accept these outcomes. The fear of causing these situations is not as great as the joy of the positive outcomes. Sometimes, I speak my beliefs and they do resonate with someone. Sometimes, I find new friends because I am open about who I am. Recently I was open about listening to hymns. To my surprise one of my friends was blown away. She had no idea that I was raised with a strong faith in Christianity because I choose not to go to church. Because my children do not attend church.  Although I still believe in the traditional Christian beliefs, my beliefs are mixed with spiritualism. I believe that you can be strong in your faith without sitting in a church pew.  This is my belief and it conflicts with others. I believe you can be a good Christian and still have some beliefs from other religions. I do not believe that any one religion has it right. It is whatever is right for you. For your family.  So the outcome in this situation is now my friend speaks freely about her faith. She is free to send me messages and hymns that she thinks I might enjoy and I am free to do the same. This can be applied to all areas of your inner thoughts and beliefs. Your situations as well. When I struggle with something, I am sure to let people know I am struggling. I reach out for advice from everyone.  Sometimes being open to someone you thought was not feeling your vibe, will allow them the understanding they need to get on the same page as you.

Published by Tara Long

Hello Readers in blogland! My name is Tara and I am a life coach in training. Follow me on my adventure from the ordinary life to the path less traveled! Feel free to comment and ask any questions!

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