Toilet breaking parasites

The horrors of parenting this week.
Did you know you can break a toilet seat ? Did you know it can be done in more then one way ?! Well let me assure you it can! This week my girls somehow busted the hinge right off the toilet seat. I found the whole seat on the floor. While looking at the disgraced toilet seat, I noticed that the seat itself was actually cracked on the left side as well.
How does this happen with everyday NORMAL toilet use, you ask? Well to understand that, you would first need to know that my youngest child is still too small to sit down on the toilet. So to get her midget sized butt cheeks onto the toilet, she does a small little naked booty flying backwards onto the seat hop. I can only assume this is what caused the impact to the hinges and broke them. In the toilet seats defense, it did last a whole 4 months.
I have a pretty good idea that this is indeed how this all went down. I know that I can tell her to use the stool in the bathroom to get on the toilet. I also know the odds are pretty slim she will follow my advice.
So on this glorious Monday, I will get to go toilet seat shopping. I will be buying the hardest most uncomfortable seat I can find in hopes that my daughter will no longer favour the booty slam toilet jump. I’m hoping everyone else’s Monday are just a bit more glamorous than mine!

Published by Tara Long

Hello Readers in blogland! My name is Tara and I am a life coach in training. Follow me on my adventure from the ordinary life to the path less traveled! Feel free to comment and ask any questions!

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