Commit or go to jail!

A few years ago, I came across an article on a woman who had evaded police for years. She had committed financial fraud and hit the road when the cops were onto her scheme. While she was on the run, she lost over 60 pounds, grew out her short hair and dyed it black (from a natural blond). She fully committed to changing her identity. So while pondering this over my morning coffee, I wondered what changes I could make if my freedom depended on it. Obviously the fear of jail was enough to motivate this once obese blond woman to become a skinny dark and mysterious woman. In my life, I have always been overweight except for a brief period after I left my ex husband. During this time in my life, I believe for the first time ever, I took a genuine interest in who I was becoming. I made decisions based on what supported my goal of becoming a fit and healthy single mom who could rock the same cute little outfits as all the other girls on the dating sites. That became my identity! I made it work no matter what. Going from a size 18 Jean all the way down to a size 4. I had very little money at this time, so I became a frequent shopper at thrift stores. Every time I dropped a pant size, I gleefully donated them back to the thrift store I bought them at and bought 2-3 pairs in my new size. I was not hesitant at all. I knew I was never going back to those jeans. Flash forward to now. I am back into size 14 jeans (GASP!). So what changed for me? I lost the single healthy mom identity. I traded it in for the “tired overworked mom and girlfriend” title. I stopped caring so much about what foods I was fueling my body with. I stopped exercising everyday. I stopped shopping because it was no longer a joyful experience for me. So today, I am choosing to take back my identity. I am choosing to make conscious decisions that are in alignment with the person I want to be. This can easily be applied to all areas of your life. Do you want to be an avid reader? Well start taking the time to read every single day. Carry that book to work with you. Read on your breaks! Do you want to be more physically fit? Start a walking routine, join a gym, buy a home work out! Meal prep like your life depends on it! My favourite way to change a part of me is to listen to audio books and YouTube videos by people that are already doing it. Make the change part of who you are!

Published by Tara Long

Hello Readers in blogland! My name is Tara and I am a life coach in training. Follow me on my adventure from the ordinary life to the path less traveled! Feel free to comment and ask any questions!

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