Making friends the extrovert way

At one point in my life, I decided to move across the country. I arrived in a small village in Nova Scotia. After the excitement of making such a large and bold move, I realized I was over 1,000 kms from everyone who loved me and celebrated my weirdness. I was jobless. For the first time in my life, I had to strike out on my own without my support system cheering me on. I felt incredibly alone. I had never even lived anywhere but the town I grew up in! What was I thinking?? Oh yeah… this is me we are talking about here. I was blazing my beautiful trail of destruction on the way to learn about life. This is what I do. I jump first and I ask questions about the safety of the water on the way down. I have come to just accept this as part of who I am. So, jobless and friendless, I found myself to be a little sad and lonely. I did what any twenty four year old woman in this decade would do and I texted my bestfriend. She immediately told me to get out there and shake shit up! Go meet those neighbours! Okay bestie. I hear you. I know you’re right. I need to embrace my inner weirdness and show these people what they’re missing! I got to work on a flyer for a Christmas Party hosted by yours truly. It had stickers. It was in green and red writing and it featured hot chocolate and cookies at my place. Who could resist ?! Next, I waddled my six month pregnant body door to door (that’s right folks! I moved to a new province and left my village behind at the time in my life when I needed them most. What could go wrong there?). I greeted each neighbour on my street and the loop that attached as well. To my delight and surprise, I learned that one of my neighbors was also pregnant! We bonded over sore body parts and our new roles as mothers. Three of my other neighbors had children as well and we quickly formed a tight knit group of friends. The moral of today’s story is to always remember to shake things up and reach out to people. I believe in every step of your life, you need a village. Find your village, add to your village and never be afraid to show people who you really are.

Published by Tara Long

Hello Readers in blogland! My name is Tara and I am a life coach in training. Follow me on my adventure from the ordinary life to the path less traveled! Feel free to comment and ask any questions!

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