Trail of destruction is the Path to happiness!

In July 2019, my world was shaken up. Conditions at work seemed to be going downhill faster then a teenager in a shopping cart. More and more shifts were being thrown my way and getting time off was impossible. Changes to the work routine were also taking time away from the aspects of work that made my job fulfilling and reduced stress. All these factors were adding up until I could no longer ignore my inner voice. I needed out and I needed it sooner rather then later. I went to see my doctor who agreed that the workplace was a toxic environment to me. He allowed me four weeks off to lower my stress level. I took about two weeks just wallowing in my anxiety and worry about returning to work. At the end of the second week, I downloaded an audio book. This book brought me back to my natural state. It reminded me that all the answers I needed were inside me all along… if I could just stop the constant inner chatter long enough to listen. After about a week of really taking time to get my stress down and to think calmly about things, I started looking for a way to improve my situation. I started applying to jobs. I was hopeful that one would contact me back. However, my phone was rudely silent. I relentlessly checked my email to no avail. At this point my anxiety crept right back up on me. I started to lose sleep and I was truly panicking at the thought of work. One morning while I was practicing my morning ritual of insane amount of caffeine on my back porch sanctuary, I got the idea to Google “best courses for nurses to take”. The first course that came up was not the usual wound care or IV therapy. Instead it was a life coach company. I clicked on it out of pure curiosity. For me, it would be a short course. It would build on the coaching I already knew how to do with my patients. Still, I wasn’t convinced. I needed more information. I started googling life coaches in my area. Low and behold there were many! My inner child giggled with giddy excitement. A job that took my favourite part of nursing and made it my only job. Yes, this was what I needed. This was what I wanted and this was a dream I knew I had to follow! So it is now September and I hope you follow me while I follow my dreams of transformation.

Published by Tara Long

Hello Readers in blogland! My name is Tara and I am a life coach in training. Follow me on my adventure from the ordinary life to the path less traveled! Feel free to comment and ask any questions!

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